Valley View CUSD 365U - 2025 Parking Lot Replacement at Robert C. Hill ES

Base Bid work includes but is not limited to, the complete full-depth removal of areas as indicated of the existing paving, sidewalk, concrete curbing, and lighting and all associated work and the installation of new full depth paving, sidewalk, ADA accessible ramps, concrete curbing, and lighting as indicated, and all associated work as indicated in the drawings and specifications.
Plans (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
01_G0.1 159.8 KB
02_T-1.0 397.2 KB
03_C-1.0 593.3 KB
04_C-2.0 394.2 KB
05_C-3.0 469.0 KB
06_C-3.1 2.9 MB
07_C-4.0 958.4 KB
08_C-4.1 532.4 KB
09_C-5.0 502.4 KB
10_C-6.0 820.5 KB
11_C-6.1 932.8 KB
12_C-7.0 442.3 KB
13_SUR-1 691.2 KB
14_SUR-2 756.9 KB
15_SUR-3 678.5 KB
16_SUR-4 663.2 KB
17_A1.1 168.9 KB
18_M1.1 280.3 KB
19_PD1.0 266.1 KB
20_PD1.1 295.8 KB
21_P1.0 277.0 KB
22_P1.1 285.5 KB
23_P2.1 298.9 KB
24_FP1.2 283.8 KB
25_E0.0 402.1 KB
26_EM1.1 389.9 KB
27_ESD1.1 421.1 KB
28_ES1.1 452.1 KB