Village of Lake Bluff - 2025 Low Slope Roof Replacement at Public Safety Building

Owner invites sealed Bidder’s Proposals for the Work described in detail in the Contract and generally described as follows: As detailed in specifications and bid documents, the existing low slope roof system(s) as installed on the designated roof areas will be completely removed and discarded. All perimeter flashings, sheet metal copings, counterflashing, sanitary stack leads, internal roof drain flashings, perimeter edge metal, etc. are to be removed and discarded. Roof decking to be examined, repaired / coated or replaced as per specification. Installation of EPDM vapor barrier system, new flat stock and tapered polyisocyanurate insulation, new glass faced gypsum recover board to precede the installation of new granule surfaced Modified Membrane roof system and flashings. Installation of new sheet metal accessories, coping caps, counterflashing, perimeter raised metal edge, lead flashings, drain components, etc. to be completed as specified and as required by the Material Manufacturer(s) for a fully warranted roof assembly.
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