Argo CHSD 217 - 2025 Addition & Remodeling at Argo Community HS

Bids are invited from Qualified General Contractors. The work includes but is not limited to an addition of a new entrance vestibule and the interior remodeling of an office suite which includes related mechanical, plumbing and electrical work, as noted on the drawings and specifications.
Plans (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
01_G0.1 311.1 KB
02_G1.1A 315.6 KB
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07_C-3.1 628.7 KB
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13_C-6.1 1.2 MB
14_C-6.2 4.6 MB
15_C-7.0 821.7 KB
16_C-7.1 4.3 MB
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18_EX-2.0 1.6 MB
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24_AD1.1G 304.0 KB
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28_A2.2 353.9 KB
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32_A5.1G 275.6 KB
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34_A6.1G 356.2 KB
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54_E2.1A 906.7 KB
55_E2.1G 383.7 KB
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57_E3.1G 380.1 KB
58_E4.0 331.9 KB
59_E5.0 370.4 KB
60_E6.0 369.1 KB
61_E7.0 291.8 KB
62_E7.1 298.4 KB
63_E7.2 336.2 KB